How to write a blog post using Jarvis AI that will rank on Google in under 20 minutes

Income Stream Surfers
4 min readSep 10, 2021

This is one of the most important Medium articles you will EVER read

I have recently been working on a method to rank content on Google for articles written in under 20 minutes, and I would like to share this with you today

This is using Jarvis long-form document editor to create a shockingly good article FILLED TO THE BRIM with keywords that will rank on Google

Let’s get into it

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Step 1: Keyword research

The first thing we have to do to rank on Google is to choose a main keyword

This is unique for every website, and isn’t something I can easily help you with

HOWEVER some advice is to use logic to think about what topics you want to rank for

You ideally want to rank for things that will lead to conversions

For example, if you’re selling clothes, ranking for “best designer jeans 2022” is preferable to something like “how can I make my own jeans”

So, let’s work with this example, and let’s say we want to create an article about best designer jeans

The first thing we do is Google the keyword:

The “autocomplete” option on google

As you can see we already have at least 10 keywords to work with, you can then take each of these keywords and Google them again, let’s use “Luxury Jean Brands” as an example:

Another example of autocomplete keywords

So, we now have a great list of keywords that we can work from

Now we want to use the people also searched for section for each keyword:

“Le person hanno chiesto anche” in Italian means “people also searched for”

Sorry for my Google being in Italian! I live near Napoli, Italy

As you can see we now have 4 new question keywords which will form the basis of our article.

The final thing we want to do is click on the little arrow by the side of each question, which expands the answer

We can use these answers as the basis for our articles, but also another advantage of this is that we can find even more keywords:

After clicking a few answers, we are given even more questions to work with

Now it’s time to hop into Jarvis and see what it can do

Step 2 — Using Jarvis AI to produce content incredibly quickly

So, let’s talk about Jarvis AI

This tool is my favourite AI writer because it doesn’t just rewrite content, it creates it

The first thing we need to do is use the Blog workflow tool as follows

Click long-form assistant
Click blog post workflow
Take the main keywords from the people also asked section and put them in the keyword section, then write a few words about the topic and include the brands you want to be included, then press continue
Generate a title
Generate an intro paragraph and choose one
Add each “people also asked for” section after a > write about “PEOPLE ALSO ASKED FOR KEYWORD QUESTION HERE”

We’re almost done

Every > is a command for Jarvis to follow

Let’s see what it produces for the first example, highlight the line and press control or command enter

“Some of the most popular designer jeans brands available today are Levi’s, Calvin Klein, and Armani. These brands offer a variety of different styles and fits, making them great for any wardrobe.”

Thanks Jarvis!

If you’re not satisfied with the content produced, press control-z and then highlight and press control enter again to produce different content

Build your article out like this, and then you’re ready to copy and paste it into WordPress, Shopify, or whatever it might be!

The final step is to go to an already indexed blogpost and interlink your new article, then go to Google Search Console and submit the new URL for indexing

And you’re done!



Income Stream Surfers

My name is Hamish I’m a professional SEO from the UK helping people refine their income streams. My YouTube